Our Values & Behaviours

The Board believes that adult safeguarding takes COURAGE to acknowledge that abuse or neglect is occurring and to overcome our natural reluctance to face the consequences for all concerned by shining a light on it. The Board promotes COMPASSION in our dealings with one another, especially when we make mistakes. The Board promotes a culture of learning rather than blame. At the same time, as members of the Board, we are clear that we are ACCOUNTABLE to each other, and to the people we serve in the two boroughs.

The Boards main objective is to ensure that local safeguarding arrangements and partner organisations act to help and protect people aged 18 and over in the area who:

  • have needs for care and support,
  • and are experiencing, or at the risk of, abuse or neglect,
  • and as a result of their care and support needs are unable to protect themselves from either the risk or experience of abuse or neglect regardless of it the council are funding care or not.