Financial or Material Abuse

What is Financial or Material Abuse?

Examples: fraud, theft, taking property without permission, assuming ownership of money or items, scamming (which can be in person, by letter, phone and internet), coercion in relation to an adult’s financial affairs including the writing of or changing a Will, and misuse of benefits. Financial abuse can involve small and large amounts of money or value of property.

Family member taking money from a handbag

Possible Indicators:

Sudden inability to pay bills

Sudden debt

Unexplained or unusual patterns of cash withdrawal from an account

Lack of belongings that the adult can clearly afford

Resistance by family to give explanation for unusual financial activity

Extraordinary interest by family in an adult’s assets

Purchase of items that the adult would not usually buy or need

Personal items going missing

The main interest shown by a family member is financial and not the in relation to the care of the adult

Don’t Ignore It. Report It!

If you suspect a neighbour, friend or family member is being neglected or abused, or you need help yourself:
Report it to the relevant Local Authority or Police.