Safeguarding Executive Board Strategy 2022-2025

Our Strategic Plan 2022-2025 sets out how the Board will work towards achieving its ambitions for safeguarding adults in the Bi-Borough and has four key priorities to ensure that, wherever possible, safeguarding responsibilities are delivered in a way that creates safeguarding prosperity within our communities and continues to have ‘Making Safeguarding Personal’ (MSP) at the heart of everything we do.

Making Safeguarding Personal

Our Safeguarding Ambassadors are the Boards Super Heroes.

They continue to play a lead role in bringing safeguarding risks to the attention of the Board and support ensuring that Making Safeguarding Personal is a golden thread throughout all the work that we do.

Service user engagement

  • Ensuring that adults are being supported and encouraged to make their own decisions on how to keep themselves safe.
  • Sharing experiences and best practice through collaborative and bespoke safeguarding training and community events.
  • Collaborating with our Safeguarding Ambassador to ensure their voices are heard in the communities and London wide.

Making safeguarding everybody’s business

  1. improve awareness of safeguarding across all communities.
  2. culturally competent safeguarding and support.
  3. close working with the voluntary sector.
  4. listening and collaborating with service users by experience.

Strategic Priority 1: Leading, Listening, Learning

Aim: To promote a culture of continuous learning across our Safeguarding partnership where we recognise and support the challenges to learning particularly within our Safeguarding Adult Review process.

Providing high quality Learning and Development opportunities to the partnership and working together to provide leadership ambition for change.

The SAEB Learning Programme and network of SAR Champions is extended across the wider partnership, housing and voluntary sectors to support, share and embed learning.

Sharing learning to prevent harm and abuse.

  1. a partnership which is open to new ideas and a willingness to learn from mistakes.
  2. a partnership which wants to get better at preventing abuse and neglect.
  3. a partnership which is transparent and accountable to each other and to its residents
  4. a partnership that listens and hears what it is being told by families.

Strategic Priority 2: Quality & Performance

Aim: To ensure that safeguarding arrangements for adults at risk work effectively through quality assurance mechanisms and an increasing use of multi-agency safeguarding data.

Making sure safeguarding arrangements for adults at risk work effectively and support organisations to continually improve practice. 

Ensuring our safeguarding systems are improving and we are learning and getting better through use of digital technology to get our messages across. 

Learning through Development of best practice and using data better to help inform partnership responses to safeguarding referrals.

  1. shared safeguarding goals and wellbeing responsibilities partnership wide that seek assurance across all safeguarding agendas.
  2. understanding what the most prevalent abuse types are and doing something about it.
  3. making sure safeguarding arrangements for adults with care and support needs work effectively and we have people by experience working alongside us informing our learning.

Strategic Priority 3: Developing Best Practice

Aim: To ensure practitioners across the partnership, including our provider services and voluntary and community sector are equipped to support adults appropriately where abuse, neglect and exploitation is suspected or has taken place.

To promote, encourage and disseminate information about best practice, in relation to referrals, making safeguarding personal (MSP) and all frontline work.

Work to ensure that best practice is embedded across all agencies, in safeguarding adults.

Multi-agency training that promotes competency-based learning, development opportunities and best practice.

  1. develop resources to support staff in helping to prevent abuse or neglect and responding to safeguarding concerns.
  2. ensure the Partnership has robust and relevant multi- agency data to shape practice and priorities and effect change where required.
  3. work collaboratively across the partnership on projects with a vested interest and to ensure that learning is embedded across all relevant agencies.

Strategic Priority 4: Communities Keeping Themselves Safe

Aim: To create an inclusive and diverse safeguarding culture, which is informed by what is most important to specific community groups.

Working together with our communities to prevent harm and abuse and improve awareness of safeguarding to ensure they are informed, confident and supported in raising safeguarding concerns. 

Continuing to create an inclusive and diverse safeguarding culture that learns from the information we have collected about what is most important to specific community groups in raising awareness and providing tailored Learning Programmes and support.

Communication, Involvement, Prevention and Early Intervention.

  1. shared safeguarding goals and wellbeing responsibilities partnership wide that seek assurance across all safeguarding agendas.
  2. understanding what the most prevalent abuse types are and doing something about it.
  3. making sure safeguarding arrangements for adults with care and support needs work effectively and we have people by experience working alongside us informing our learning.